Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Vote For Me!

All of this media attention that politics is getting lately keeps our nation's issues in the fore-front of my mind; especially with all of the presidential election coverage.  I've felt reminiscent of my old college politics days and whatnot.... It's got me thinking of the future.  If any woman is going to break through the glass ceiling of politics to become our nation's first female president, it's going to me ME!  And here are just a few of the qualifications that I feel make me a solid candidate for the future presidency:

I beat the entire game of Guitar Hero on medium level 6 days after I purchased it.
I can stand on my head for minutes at a time.
I know all of the members' of 'N sync's first names, last names, and birthdays (it says it on the boxes of their action figures).
I can count to 100 by prime numbers at an incredibly fast rate.
I know where Waldo is. Every book. Every page.
I have never read any of the "Twilight" books. And I never will.
I own a Lagoon season pass.
I have reached a Brain Age of 32 on my Nintendo DS.
I have talked my way out of THREE speeding tickets by either crying or playing dumb.
I once ate an entire QUAD-stacker from Burger King... and I lived to tell about it!
I can whip together a batch of Muddy Buddies in under 10 minutes.
I own over 30 hoodies.
I once attended the wrong college course for an entire semester before realizing my mistake, and still managed to get credit for the class.

After reviewing my list of qualifications, I'm sure you agree that I would make a fine candidate.  So keep me in mind.... it won't be long before you're seeing this face in the oval office!


mackenzie said...

you are so stinkin' cute. I just love you. Although, I must admit, i was saddened when I heard you weren't going to read the Twilight series. I hate jumping on the bandwagon (i didn't read harry potter until after the 4th one was released), but Twilight is such a good series. It's so creative and descriptive and really not what I expected at all. I will still vote for you if you go back on your word and read the series.

Marcie said...

Well Megs, you know that I know and follow very little about Politics(I know I should because it really is important) But having said that and having read your list I must say that you are probably more quilified to run this country then any of the three canidates that are in the current running! That is my honest oppinion. YOU HAVE MY VOTE, that is if I was actually registered to vote!

Hollie said...

Don't read Twilight, ever. With all of the hype you will be so disappointed.It's like when someone tells you how cute your blind date will be and he shows up and is ok looking but you don't go out again because he didn't meet the unrealisitic expectations that you had. Besides, vegetarian vampires, come on! And Marice, there are only two candidates now.

Marcie said...

See, I have proven my point.