Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tagged by Marcie

Six Names That You Go By:
1. Megan
2. Meg
3. Miss Megan
4. Megsie
5. Megs'n Bacon
6. See post "A rose by any other name..." below

Three Things That You're Wearing Right Now:
1. Glasses
2. Ralph Lauren perfume
3. Monkey slippers
(Though these aren't the only 3 things)

Two Things You Want Very Badly at the Moment:
1. My own house
2. A date with Kyle Korver

Three People Who Will Fill This Out:
1. Michelle A.
2. Natalie 
3. Hollie (if I beg)

Three Things You Did Last Night:
1. Braided Kenna's hair
2. Played Hide'n Seek in the dark
3. Watched Looney Tunes

Four Things You Ate Today:
1. Oatmeal
2. Muddy Buddies
3. Cadbury eggs
4. More Cadbury eggs & Muddy Buddies

Two People You Last Talked to on the Phone:
1. Marcie
2. Lara

Six Things You Will Do Tomorrow:
1. It's a Sunday, so I'll do my hair
2. Play hangman in Sunday School
3. Take a Sunday nap
4. Play with my nieces and nephews
5. Plan a trip to Europe
6. Stay up ridiculously late

Three Favorite Beverages:
1-3. Water (to make up for all the chocolate I eat)

Five Things Your Are Grateful For:
1. Cadbury Eggs
2. My family
3. My friends
4. A job
5. A warm, down comforter


Marcie said...

ummmm...cabury eggs!

Michelle said...

haha I love all your comments about Cabury eggs. And you are officially the biggest muddy buddy fan I know! Love ya Meg!