Friday, September 19, 2008

THIS is Worth Your 2 Minutes and 45 Seconds (give or take a few)!

Waldo Ultimatum


Hollie said...

I'd show it to the kids if it wasn't for the f bomb. Now I knwo what you do at work on fridays!

Teacher said...

I apologize... are you sure it says the f word? I've watched it a number of times and never noticed??

Teacher said...

Teacher= Megan, by the way. I guess I'm signed in for my old school account.

Lindsay said...

That was SO worth less than three minutes! Heck, it would even be worth 4 minutes!

Marcie said...

Megan, maybe you didn't notice the f-bomb because your so used to hearing it. You know what they say about you people in the publishing swear like sailors.

Hollie said...

Yes I'm positive. It's at about 2:20 when it is used. Not that you'll want to replay that portion of it....