Okay, so near the end of the 2007-2008 school year (when I was still a school teacher), my students and I put together a class blog. It is linked on the side of my blog and also here. This was a REALLY fun project that my students chose as a way to publish their group writing pieces. It's pretty darn cute if you have a minute to check it out... gives you a little insight to how kids in 4th grade think and write and what they think is important.
Well right before the 2008-2009 school year started, I had a little party with my former class to end the summer with a bang. The party was an idea that my kids had come up with and that one of me student's moms took off and ran with. She put together such a fun party! The kids and I had the greatest time and I couldn't think of a better way to wrap up my teacher career (if you can call 3 years of teaching a career). This cute mom took a bunch of photos and rather than having her send them to me in a series of emails, I gave her the sign in name and password to our class blog to have her upload them to the slideshow. That cute stink added a post to our class blog... a post that should have made my cry, and would have if I were a crier.... although my eyes DID well up with tears. Anyhow, if you care about me at all, you should humor me by checking out my former students' posts and pictures and then telling my how adorable they are and how it made you want to be in 4th grade again. In case you're wondering, there was a guitar solo, balloon animals, and sign painting at our party. THANK YOU TAMMY!
p.s. I REALLY miss the 4th grade....
I know the kids miss you too. But it will always be there, have this adventure in what we call the cruel world.
I was hoping that you would not be mad at me for taking over the blog, but it was too tempting to not!!!
Meg I almost didn't see you in the picture. Good thing your taller than an average fourth grader.
I have a particular fondness for your cute class too...
4th Grade misses you.
Meg! I wish I was about 16 years younger. Would that make me a 4th grader? Just so I could be in your class! Sounds like you were an AMAZING teacher!!
That was a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl! I am sure that you were a fantastic teacher. You can tell that whoever wrote that speaks for all of the parents in that class!
Hey Megan-
You are too cute!! I love how you did a blog with your class!! What a great idea. I found your blog when I was looking through Natalie's... and I noticed that we have another friend in common... Mechelle!!!! What a small world!! I sure miss teaching with you!!! Keep in touch!
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