Rules: Link the person that tagged you. Mention these rules on your blog. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yourself and tag 6 fellow bloggers. Got it? Let's go!
1: I fear that I am a little more than slightly OCD. Each morning I wake up and follow the same routine as I get ready for work. If my routine is even slightly altered by an outside force, the rest of the day is a complete wash. Here is a glimpse of my daily schedule: When I leave for work I put my purse, my water bottle, and my banana on the passenger's seat in the exact same spot. Then I turn the radio to 103.5 before turning my air to "recirculate" with the temperature right between hot and cold. Once I'm at work, I put my car keys in the front pocket of my bag, set my water bottle and banana on the front right corner of my desk, remove my ipod from my bag, etc......
2: At some point in my early adulthood I trained myself not to cry. I think I viewed it as a weakness at the time, although I know better now. I rarely cry. I can't even cry when I think it would make me feel better. I can feel my eyes start to well up with tears if the mood strikes me, but they never leave my eyes and even that doesn't last long. I often tell people that I cry or did cry hoping that I can convince my subconscious to release the tears, but it doesn't seem to work. The last time that I can remember REALLY crying was almost two and a half years ago over a dumb boy... WHAT A WASTE! I think there may be something wrong with me. :)
3: I LOVE hoodies! I can't explain this zeal for such a casual garment. It just is what it is. It probably didn't help that I worked retail for a few years and got a 40% discount on purchases at my store. I own nearly 30 hoodies. They fill an entire closet next to my room.... and then some. They vary in style from pullover, full zip, half zip, long sleeve, elbow sleeve, logo, floral, striped, solid, fur-lined, fleece-lined, etc. I also own 12 winter coats, but that's another story.

Here are just some of my many hoodies in action.
4: I LOVE reading! I always have. I think that would explain why I was painfully shy growing up, I would rather have been reading than doing anything else all through grade school. However, I am notorious for STARTING books. Notice I didn't follow that up with finishing. I have shelves of books that have books marks resting halfway through them. I just get so excited when I hear about new books that I can't wait until I finish the current book and the poor thing gets deserted. I spend hours on end at Barnes and Noble and often offer it up as a date idea to boys when it's clear halfway through the evening that I don't want to suffer through conversation with them any longer (am I evil?)
Here are just SOME of my current reads.
5: I think I'm pretty immature for an adult. I love to play games, run around and chase my nieces and nephews, watch cartoons, read children's literature, eat Snack Packs, etc. Last weekend I lead my friends in a game of Sardines (a cousin game to Hide and Seek). They were reluctant at first but warmed up to it so well that we played it for nearly 3 hours! I personally own a Nintendo DS with a number of games and a Wii. I often lock Norm out of the house, or play Steamroller with my mom to wake her up, hang up on phone conversations for no reason, prank call friends and loved ones, pull pranks on people at work, dress up in costumes for occasions other than Halloween and the list goes on! Heaven help me....
6: I am a methodical eater. All items on my plate are to remain very separate. Foods of different natures are not allowed to touch each other. I begin by eating the hot foods, so I can enjoy them before they get cold, then I eat any vegetables or fruit, finally I eat any cold non- veggie or fruit food. In the case of mixed meals, such as a Cafe Rio salad, I do NOT mix the ingredients. I try to get an equal amount of food category in each bite I take. As I'm writing this, it's very clear to me that I need a hobby.
I tag Ali, Tatiana, Marcie, Hollie, Natalie, and Tammy.
That was very insitefull. But also endearing. I just love you and hope that my name at the bottom means me or is there someone else out there that that has my name? Anyway, even with all that you revealed I still think that you are wonderful!!!
These are a few of the reasons I like you. We also have a few of these in common, so I much like myself too.
I love you! Seriously! Except that you tagged I have to think!
1. Alittle OCD, yes you are,but so are all the Hansen girls. Once in a while, I try to break my routine, and my whole day falls apart.
2. No Crying, you may not now ,but as a child I made you cry on a daily basis. Maybe thats why you don't now.
3. Hoodies, My baby could nap in the crib at Mom's house, if it wasn't full of your dang Hoodies.
4.Books, remember in college when I lent you my Library card because yours was MAXED OUT!
5. Immature, maybe a little but the nieces and nephews love it.
Meg these are just afew of the QuIrK'S I love about you.
Meg you are so funny! I got a kick out of reading your "quirks" list. Oh and your not just know how to have fun right! :) I'm also a huge hoodie fan. I can't say I own over 30...Chad would probably kill me if I did...our closet is about to bust as it is with my clothes.
And that is why I love you! You are so funny, and you really are a great writer. I'm not kidding, I look forward to you updating your blog because I love to read your style of writing. If you ever write a book, I would start it and finish it!
Oh Megan, I love your quirks. But I'm afraid that if I followed suit, and accomplished the tag, my quirks would not be as endearing- just crazy. I'd hate to think how Brent would dress my kids if I were institutionalized. :)
Hi Megan..
Happened to find your blog randomly while doing some blog stalking.
You are darling and we miss you at Heritage!!
Hope you are doing well.
Jenny Howe
Your crying thing totally reminded me of "The Holiday!" You are so great!
wow. I am happy that now I know it was me--Ali that you tagged. But I liked more that you don't let your food touch...
You are so funny! thanks for taking the time to do it! I love reading about others and to know that I am not the only one who does crazt things- it really helps!
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