Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Since You Been Gone...

So I've been out of the country for a few weeks. I was too busy to blog while getting ready for the trip. (You can thank me later for not boring you with the details of packing.) And since I've been home, I've been just trying to catch up on life and get back on a somewhat normal sleep schedule.

I went with two friends to backpack all over Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. I kept a journal and took pictures while I was there. I plan on posting some of the more interesting and entertaining journal entries I kept while I was there. So here's one for today to wet your whistle:

6 June 2009

Capri, Italy

In Europe everyone wears bikinis at the beach, and I mean EVERYONE! Everyone also smokes and drinks (I realize that's an inaccurate generalization in hind sight). We see kids that look about 12 walking around with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths. Perhaps that's how they all stay so thin so they can wear their bikinis. I, on the other hand, keep reaching into my backpack for gummy bears, or "pandas," as they call them here in Italy. Maybe I should consider taking up smoking.

Everyone in Italy wears designer glasses, sunglasses, clothing, and accessories, I have seen maybe one pair of glasses while in Italy that didn't have HUGE designer emblems on the side— and they were mine.

Rome is absolutely filthy! It if weren't for the many ancient Roman attractions, I would refuse to step foot in that city.

I have had cankles since the moment I first stepped off the plane in Frankfurt. So just in case my pasty white skin isn't attractive enough, I have sweet, thick cankles to supplement it. Note to self: Google how to prevent and get rid of feet/ankles retaining water for future trips. It's surprisingly painful.

List of Items Lost, Stolen, of Misplaced:
Today- Andres' camera
Airport in Malaga- my really expensive, new trail shoes
Airport from SLC to Frankfurt- my towel
Airport in Geneva- my black flip flops that gave me wicked blisters in Munich (good riddance)

Hmmm.... I don't really recall why I wrote what I wrote. But I did. I'm sure those of you who have never been to Europe feel like you have been there now through the imagery and thoughts portrayed in my journal entry, huh? :)


Michelle said...

Love the journal entry Meg! Especially the part about the designer sunglasses. I would stick out like a sore thumb there with my cheap Target sunglasses! haha

malibumoons said...

That is so GREAT that you kept a journal. I am so jealous that you got to go to Europe. It rEALLY makes me miss Germany. I am hoping to go back there soon with my little family. Excited to hear more of your trip.

Lindsay said...

That is really great that you kept a journal during your trip! Keep the entries coming!

Hollie said...

So, were they really designer glasses, or was it like all the women in NYC who carry Kate Spode bags? Maybe they bought them in Chinatown?

Anonymous said...

Um... I love you. Was that awkward? I love reading your blog and I've been waiting for your Europe posts for so long now!